Sunday, March 13, 2011

first experience. :)

those are some pictures with my coolie frens that i took at dinner.
look at the last picture! dats wat i wanna talk about.
when i received the ajk memo, i look at it and 1st thing i said,
"WHAT? omg.. :( "
it stated somtin like dis:
amirah binti baharin      sambutan
haihhh. never been an usher before dis.
kinda kelam kabut.
learn so much things from the senior.
looks easy right? but its DIFFICULT!
 have to memorize da name and face each of da VIP.
must learn the flow of event.
rushing before the event: nk kne solat, siap2, wait fer da VIP to come.
must smile and talk very polite. fuhh.
and da most NOT interesting part is, everyone is eating, u sat there and watched the VIP.
incase of they want to ask somtin. eerrrkkk. -.-"
cannot sit wif ur frens.
but the best thing is u learn new thing in ur life.
u got sometin diff from others on dat day (the CROWN! fer ushers)
after the VIP went out of the ballroom, yeaaayy!
we r free!! time to take pictures guys!
and fullstop. :)

although we r soo3 tired, it such a great event though. tengs guys! <3

Saturday, February 12, 2011

uNsaNgkaRabLe! -.-"

before masok topik yg ingin dibincangkan, i just got a lil cutey new hamster called MIHO! melon telah diambil kembali oleh muhd hezal atas dasar tiada tempat yg mencukupi. :'( btw, wehh! damn gilaa today. td pas exam kenegaraan, aku n fateen kononnye nk makan roti canai kt fakulti ekonomi. nmpklah bas 'jutamines'. ngatkan bas tuh masok fakulti dulu. meleset same skali. bas uh tros g k10 n k11. after that pegi hentian komuter. kitorang pon x turun lah sbb ingat die tros balik upm.

pakcik tuh pon tanye "dik, nak g mane?"
pelik la die kitorang x turun. aku pon jawab ah dengan perasaan malu yg menebal. "jalan-jalan je pakcik." -.-"
die pon gerak je ah. ttbe sampai kt satu tempat yg scary gak ah. ade 3 bijik kedai je.
1. kedai mamak
2. 7 eleven (cmne tah 7e bole sesat situ)
3. kedai repair kot

die bole plak gtau ktorg yg die nk makan. die kate bas gerak balik kol 11.15 dan jam aku waktu tuh kol 10!! urghhh. shit ah! nyesal aku x trun kt mines. bole la gak jln2. kt situ da la anjing banyak. cuak siot! lagi satu, dengan muke x bersalah die pesan suruh hati2. kt situ org x berapa elok. eleehh, yg kau still nk benti lg tuh kenapa? hanta jela ktorg balikkk!! -_________-" 

jadi, nk tanak terpaksa la makan kt kedai mamak tuh. drpd xwat pape kn. buang masa betol! da kol 11.15, naik la bas tuh balik. bole x nak cakap yg pakcik bas tuh nga karaoke. haiihh (sambil mengeluh).
then sampaila kami ke kompleks akademik. turun kt situ. ingt nk naik bas KC. tp tade.
maka, kami berjalan menggunakan kaki ke kolej.
dalam perjalanan, ttbe ade bas berhenti sebelah kami. pakcik uh suruh naik. die borak2 la ngn kami. bosan kot bawak bas. die gelarkan pelajar2 neh 'budak2'. mmg pon kn. ade aku kesah. die ckp ktorg mara di panggil budak2. MANE ADE! haihh (mengeluh lagi).
die kate sme la cm die. tasuke org panggil die pakcik. nak org panggil die abang -.-" kau ingat kau mude sgt? tuh motif die senanye. pelik2 betol pakcik2 bas kt upm neh. lastly sampai jugak kt kolej. bestnya tidak terkata! :D

p/s: tobat taknak naik bas jutamines lagi.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

.8th FeBruaRy 2011. :)

.meLon & appLe.

this thingy were given to me by my huNnyBb fer my besday. we named them meLon & appLe. the melon is slightly bigger than apple. dats y we named it melon which stands fer watermelon. haha. jahat ryte? the apple is so tiny cutey little hamster! i hearts both of them. takdelah sunyi sgt dok bilik kn. apple is well-mannered compared to melon! melon is hyperactive. tengs a lot sayang! actually, he planned wif my roomate (aina yusoff) to give me a surprise. he told me that he was playing games but he was on his way to upm. -.-" when he arrived, die suro la turun. sgt hepi la time tuh. but a lil bit sleepy. penat! he told me dat pak guard only gave him half an hour. chiss! so, ktorg pon jmpe jap je. after talking for a while. he wished me "hepi besday" n gave these cute lil hamster to me wif kfc, my fav. :) da la mmg tgh lapa! tengs dear! dgn bersusah payah seorg diri membawa hamster, all the hamster's things n also the kfc naik ke bilik. buurrrp! kenyang juga mlm itu. very appreciate it yang. i'll take good care of them okeh. love you.

.selipar tido kuma2.

kuma2. comey kn. kt selipar tuh mmg ade nme die. mlm smlm ade meeting MMMR. after meeting, jumpe my cute sista, kak peisha. die kate ade present nnt die bg. then, dpt la this selipar. this gift from her n someone that closed to her which is maal. they are both my senior yg sporting ah kt kc. dyorg dua2 amek TESL. bole gak improve english! huhu. selipar dpn kuma2 tuh kupa2. actually pandai2 je bg nme. saje nk bg sweet. haha. yg tuh my roomate punya. btw, tengs a lot my sis n bro! :)

.ice cream wif rocky on top.

this secret recipe was made by my three bestfrens: fateen, ain n datul. it was really unexpect! alkisah..i was talking on the fon wif aliaa ariff. suddenly they came n ask me fer da biostatistics note. she said that she lost it. she wants to borrow mine. im not curious at all. when i want to take out the note from my bag, they tenyeh2 my face wif the celak n also bedak. then they throw all the old newspaper dat have been cut on my body n also my bad. OMG! it sooo wangi! -.-" haha. they went out ttbe tanpe rasa bersalah. they came again n bring the ice cream wif rocky on top of it. they said juz magine that it was a cake. haha. but i think its more sweet than a cake. creative! i loikkee. fateen gave me a nice bracelet! i love it! tengs a lot all my sweety!! 

those who wish my besday, i really appreciate it and TENKIU SO MUCH! :D

Friday, February 4, 2011

the apple of my eyes!


video neh diberi lame dah. mr hezal yg bg. tacing gak la tgk vid neh. haha. tenkiu so much fer being by my side fer 4 years! love u much! so sweet of u dear. :)


kursus asas keusahawanan siswa. aku pon pegi la kursus ni disebabkan ade mtm letak nme aku lam list. aku mls gilaa nk g sbb cuti kn. SIJIL n MERIT! yeaahh. struggle for both. kt sne aku blaja mcm2 psl perniagaan. aku tau yg cina kuasai ekonomi skunk. da la makanan pon dyorg yg supply. tah halal ke haram pon men bedal je. kt sne tido hotel ooo. hotel impian pantai morib, banting selangor. 1 bilik 3 org. best gilaaa. tem ceramah x best laa. ngantok!! ade 1 ari tuh ktorg ditinggalkan sehelai sepinggang kt pekan banting. dyorg bg ic je. pastikan kol 5 da ade kt dewan. perrghh! mengalir air mate dgr. haha. ktorg jual mcm2 brg. unsangkarable! my group dpt rm 304 lebih..dpt la no 3 overall. hik2 (bangge beb!) kt sne best sebab budak2 kaks sume gamble n havoc. bole la msok walaupon x pena knal kn. fasi gila sporting! xpena la aku g kursus yg tade senaman pg n riadah. haha. makanan xyah cte la. superb. lg seminggu dok sne leh obes aku. tem nk blek agak sedih laa cuz cm best plak dok hotel tuh. hahaha. kt sne sempat la berposing amek gamba. check dis out! :D

kt uma anak2 yatim kanchong darat, selangor

kt taman area2 hotel

my lovely and sporting fasi!

  baru pas mkn kt restoran temasya

 riadah tp bole wt hal masing2

 before ke hotel impian morib!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

loliva, zinkies n huNnyBb


ade 4 org ahli. GIRLS ONLY. cite die cmnie. tem tuh lam klas prof zizan. bapak bosan wei. jd, bg mengatasi kebosanan yg melampau, kami berborak. tah cmne msok topik ingin membuat 'geng' tersendiri. jd kami pon memilih la nme kumpulan ape yg sesuai. (cian prof zizan cm ckp sorg2) -.-" jd tercipta lah nme LOLIVA tu. cmne dpt nme tuh, let it be our secret. eheh. lets talk bout da members. aliaa ariff, anhar kamaruddin, anna zainal, amirah baharin. slalu berkepit 4 org. nak2 pulak ktorg 1 tutorial. no wonder lah kn. setiap jumaat mlm mesti ktorg wt 'movie nyte'. takesa la cte pape. dari cte melayu, seram, korea, jepon, western. sume ktorg tgk. study pon kdg2 sme. :) klo nk ponteng, berjemaah laa kirenye. haha. ktorg lam kategori byk ckp. gossip semestinya! lepas abes pasum, sume tercampak len2 tempat. anhar kt um, liya kt ukm, anna kt kolej swasta kot n me kt upm. omg! miss u guys so much! da knal korg staon, da mixed up sume. kne plak berpisah. bapak sdeyh! nk reunion blek pon tah bile tah. masing2 busy. sumpah rinduu gila! xtipoo. :'( slalu tingat tem kt kk12. love ya!! korang!! bilaa nk jumpa?


haaa..yg neh aku tatau cmne ley dpt nme zinkies. dyorg neh aku knal menerusi my bf cuz they r his BFFF. hahaha. ktorg slalu lepak mkn sme mlm smbil dgr cte dyorg yg merepek2. its fun! :D ahlinye kurang pasti berapa. antaranya, amin zikri, muhd hezal, muhammad syazwan, mohd fazrin, afif wafiy, khairul syakir, mohd syukri, muhammad farhan dll. mcm2 perangai ada. pape pun, best weh dpt knal ngn dyorg. dyorg neh pon slalu stick together tem kt pasum. n slalu la gak ponteng berjemaah. kami la slalunye yg kne sign kn attendence. haihh. lam pada nakal2, pandai gak depa neh. thumbs up! dyorg sgt happy-go-lucky. kalo tgk dyorg tensen, kite plak yg tensen. -.-" suke tidur tem lecture, men ipod, kire cm suke hati dyorg lah nk wtpe tem kelas. tem kt pasum mcm2 kes brlaku. enjoy gak la. haha. neway, tengs besties!

jarang loliva ngn zinkies bergabung. haha. tp kalo da sme2 GILA havoc! cm kk12 tuh kami yg punye laa. paling best tem surprise besday party. di kesempatan ini, aku nk ucap tengs sbb bg sweet memory tem besday last year. best besday party eva! besday liya, besday hezal, besday amin n anna. bole plak tem tuh dah dekat nk exam, sambut besday smpai 2-3 pg. ape lg, mengamuk la blok laki. haha. mmg xleh lupa. amin yg kena. cian ang amin. sorry naa. bli kek pastu bazir2 sapu kt muka laa. msok tasek. haihh. mmg sweet memory!! aku sayang korg sgt2!!

fer this lil moment, i just wanna talk bout u. awk neh tem dulu2 garang! panas baran!, bit comfortable. tade da mrh2 sgt. somtimes. haha. awk slalu wt sy senyum sorg2 cm org gila. makes me happy when im sad. console me when im down. tengs a lot! u such a great person fer me. u r soo sweet!! although awk jarang tunjuk, dats make it so special to me. i love the way u are! :) tadela cm sesetgh org 24 hours nk jiwang2 karat. haha. tp awk neh pndai simpan rahsie org. nk korek2 sikit rahsie tuh pon tabole. KEDEKOT! -.-" ingt lg first tem knal u text me 1st. bole pulak tipu ngaku die sbg org len. chehh. x gentleman. tp dulu laa. tem budak2 lg. now, we've grown up. 20 kot. but sy lebih tua dari awk! u shud call me kakak. haha. (xbest nya!) die neh pendiam. cool jeh. takesa sgt pndgn org kt die. besela lelaki. SIMPLE. tp kalo die ngn membe2 nye, tros bertuka cm dr jekyll and mr hide! haha. i love to see his smile. kn hensem tuh. ;) neh x. susah sgt nk senyum. haihh. sy tau die sgt bersabar ngn my karenah. sorry syg. huu. didnt mean to hurt u tahu! die neh not bad pandai. tp just malas je lebih! great in english. jeles! huh! he loves football very much. die suka mkn. i dun care la die cmne skali pon. as long as he is happy. kn kn? wehh! sampai esok cte pon xabes. byk sgt! ehehh. lastly, miss u soooo much! love u dear~

Friday, January 7, 2011

freshie! :)

starting new sem 2, lepas balik dari holiday yg BOSAN! i thought it a lil bit easier than last sem. but its not! omg! busy gilaa lah this sem. too much activities in kolej. ouhh nak pengsan! rasenye mcm x blek je dis whole month! da la dis sem amek kenegaraan. my 'favourite' subjek. ade ke pulak ktorg kne amek manusia dan alam sekitar?! weehhh. tak sukaa! -.-" thank God i got dr muskhazli as my developmental biology lecturer. he's so fun. imagine dat within 2 hours class, we laugh almost 3/4 of it. and i salute da way he teach us. very different from other lecturers. i loikkee.. :) tonite ade meeting lg. haihh. tak sempat nak men pet society! haha. hope im doing well dis sem as well as last sem. insyaAllah.